
Project lacewing: Building a retrofit laptop cyberdeck


I've recently been infatuated by the idea of building my own laptop. After building my own desktop PC a year ago, it seems only natual for the next step to be doing the same for my portable computing needs.

Problem: Most modern laptops simply can't offer the level of customizability I want- few can even be repaired without signifigant tecnical skill

Solution: Take an old and boxy laptop, and retrofit it into a modern laptop

Specifically, I'm working with an AST PowerExec 4/25 colorway laptop. Built in 1993, It's got more than enough space to fit anything I want into it's frame. The current plan is to use components from a framework laptop for the internals, and if i have enough space left, i might even be able to add a proper mechanical keyboard! For now, I've just got the disassembled laptop, but I'm hoping to have the funds to start the project in earnest in a couple months.

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